The practice of Tai Chi or Chi Kung benefits the metabolism of the body, and adjusts the nervous system. They integrate and harmonise the breathing and circulation, as well as harmonising the function of the muscles and the internal organs. The concentration needed to do these forms prevents the mind from staying involved with everyday thoughts, at least for a while, so that after practice the mind and emotions have also had a break and can see things from a better perspective.
It is beneficial for high cholesterol, arthritis, rheumatism, hypertension, anemia, insomnia and digestion. The body becomes strong and flexible in a way that is different to most other types of exercise.
Self-defense comes first from protecting the self from the environment and helping it to co-operate or evolve with it and survive. Through the practice one learns to relax. Relaxation, concentration and without energy, is how it should be practiced. By relaxing the body it allows the nervous system to work optimally to ensure smooth running of the body-functions.